Marcella & me
Reading the story of Peer Gynt in my witch hat!

This was a pumpkin cake that I made all out of cupcakes and then decorated with Reese's- -so fun to make!!
Our yummy treats: pumpkin bars, fruits & veggies and pumpkin cake!
Yesterday we had our Fall Piano Recital for the girls I teach piano to. The whole recital was Halloween themed. Kyla & Marcella learned Halloween songs to perform and I even tackled a tricky Edvard Grieg song called "In the Hall of the Mountain King" that is one of his famous eerie songs. The girls did great performing their pieces. They worked so hard to learn them and I was so proud of them! Before I played my song, I told them the story behind the song I was playing, which was all about a mischeivious rascal named Peer Gynt. He got into all sorts of trouble and ended up being chased by the Troll King and the many trolls that lived in his palace because Peer refused to marry the king's daugher---the Troll Princess. In the music you can hear the footsteps of Peer as he runs through the castle trying to escape the Troll King. It was fun to tell them the story and help them pick out the parts in the song, so they could truly appreciate the music. To make it more "halloween-y" I put on my witch hat for the storytelling. After recital ended we had some yummy Halloween treats--It was a great recital. Keep up the great practicing girls--you are awesome musicians!