
Last week my sister came out to Kentucky to visit us before she leaves for her mission to Washington D.C. We played all week long and had the funnest time-Dodger game in Cincinnati, picnic at Freeman Lake, temple trips, Jason's Deli, Churchill Downs to see the horse races, singing at the top of our lungs with the windows down on the way home from Louisville, Mark's Feed store, ice cream at Erhler's, girl's movie night with Melissa, tubing at the lake all day with Shipley's, playing cards on the front porch, water balloon fight, scrapbooking all day, BBQ on our back porch and eating outside, catching fireflies,lighting fireworks, playing with "Chocolate" the cute dog next door, Jule's yummy mint n' chip ice cream birthday cake and of course all this doesn't even include all the fun girl movies we watched (27 Dresses, P.S. I Love You, Serendipity, Love Actually, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) and also all the nights we stayed up late talking and laughing. I love you so much Jules--I wish you were still here, I miss you so much!!!!! Thanks for such a fun week-I will remember it forever!