Today is Roscoe's 1st birthday! It is crazy to think that a year ago, we didn't have him yet--now I can't picture life without him. Anyone who knows us--knows that Roscoe is one VERY loved pup, so of course we celebrated his birthday! Yesterday Steve had the day off work so we celebrated by taking Roscoe to Feeders Supply and getting him a couple new toys and some treats, then after his outing to Feeders he enjoyed a trip to Freeman Lake, where he LOVES running around finding BIG sticks and then jumping in the lake for a swim--yes, even with it being 30 degrees outside, he still loves the water! We also had fun playing around in the leaves with him. Then we wrapped up his presents (I know some of you are laughing really hard right now--but Roscoe & Steve are all I have to spoil so I take full advantage!!) and had the joy of watching him go to town unwrapping them and seeing his surprises. The great thing was that I wrapped up a couple of new toys and a treat and then I just wrapped up some of his old toys and an old water bottle which he enjoyed unwrapping just as much as the new stuff! Love it! We had fun! Roscoe has been such a wonderful addition to our family. We love him so much and are so grateful he's ours! LOVE YOU BOSS--HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY!!