Last week Steve and I took a trip to San Antonio, Texas. Steve had to go there to attend a seminar for restorative dentistry and I went along for fun! It was a great trip. I had a fun time exploring San Antonio by foot while Steve was in class, & reading and swimming. We had a fun time at night trying out new restaurants, and hanging out with Jared, a friend who works with Steve and was also attending the seminar. Last Wednesday we went to a place called "The RiverWalk" which is in downtown San Antonio. It is a beautiful place that reminded me of Litte Venice in Long Beach. It is a long river that is lined with shops and restaurants and there are tons of trees, waterfalls and flowers everywhere! I loved it. It was fun walking around and we had the best BBQ of our life at "Country Line BBQ". YUM!! We also got to see the Alamo and that was pretty cool. We ended off the night by seeing "Iron Man" and having ice cream. Perfect day. It was a fun trip!